Since October 2014, KVM Green embarked on a program to restructure the business to enable the business to pursue its Vision, Mission and Strategy.
The refocused business was successful in obtaining contracts for the development and installation of four PV solar systems. The respective project sizes are 107,1KwP, 44.0KwP, 31,5KwP, 24KwP, 22,79KwP 17,45KwP, 2 x 7.95KwP and various smaller systems.
The business was also successful in redesigning 66ha of irrigation for a dairy farm, to the best energy efficient methods available. KVM Green was also be responsible for the installation of all the electrical components including motors, control equipment as well as the whole electrical system including lightning and surge protection. A 107.1KW on grid solar solution was also provided.
The above dairy farm is now looking at expanding the energy efficiency that was designed into the original 66ha of irrigation into other parts of their farming enterprise.
KVM Green has completed:
- Various off grid solar systems.
- Irrigation projects
- Redesigned of irrigation pump stations
All KVM Green Projects are done with Energy Efficiency as a top priority.